The five-day series of events will celebrate accomplishments and opportunities in the local games industry.
Scottish Games Network has created and organized Scottish Games Week – a new series of gaming events that will debut this year taking place from October 24 to 28.
The event series will celebrate the achievements and opportunities in the Scottish games industry showcasing the country's diverse games ecosystem from design, development, and publishing to education and the application of games.
Scottish Games Week will encompass four major standalone gaming events across Scotland's major cities Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dundee, as well as satellite events in the Highlands, Islands, and Scottish Borders.
The major events will include:
- More Than Games – an event for non-gamers that will help explain the potential of the tools, technologies, and techniques in gaming as well as other digital tech sectors, creative industries, education, healthcare, the media, and more;
- Education Symposium that will bring together educators and stakeholders from across the education and academic fields;
- Scottish Games Week Conference – a two-day industry conference that will be held in Dundee and will focus on the game design, development, publishing, funding, and more;
- Scottish Games Awards that will highlight and reward the best talent in the country.
All the events will be hybrid allowing visitors to attend both in-person and online via live streams.
The series of events is supported by the Scottish Government’s Tech Ecosystem Review (STER) fund as well as independent Steering Committee representatives including journalist Louise Blain, West College Scotland's Dr. Amanda Ford, Abertay University's William Huber, AdInMo's Joanne Lacey, Denki's Gary Penn, Zappaty's Nazan Ünlütürk and Sumo Digital's Jim Woods.
"Scottish Games Week will give [Scottish games] incredible ecosystem a global platform, showcasing, highlighting and supporting the incredible work being produced here in Scotland, as well as exploring all of the ways in which the tools, technologies and techniques from games can be utilised in everything from education, to healthcare and Scotland’s future as a digital society," said director of the Scottish Games Network Brian Baglow.
You can learn more about Scottish Games Week here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit page, our new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.