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Improved Graphics in Forza Motorsport Mean No Splitscreen At Launch

The team states they had to overhaul the game engine which resulted in some compromises. 

The development team behind Forza Motorsport shared the game won't feature the splitscreen mode at launch. The studio says they're focusing heavily on graphics – they even had to extensively overhaul the game engine. The focus on graphics resulted in temporarily forgoing splitscreen – Turn 10 did not specify though when they might add the feature. 

Forza Motorsport, in the multiplayer mode, will have live races inspired by real competitions. The mode also made the team abandon races against AI opponents and the spectator mode. The team believes playing against bots could affect player statistics, and observing a race from the sidelines does not align with their vision.

"Our heavy investment in pushing our new graphical features and our complete overhaul of the rendering engine, unfortunately, made splitscreen really difficult to implement, and it's also not going to be in for launch," said Creative director Chris Esaki.

Forza Motorsport is set to release on October 10 for Xbox Series and PC. You can find the original story here

Previously, Remedy's Communications Director said he understands the challenges Larian faces with porting Baldur's Gate 3 to Xbox Series S adding that it is not simply a matter of optimization. Learn more here

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Comments 2

  • Anonymous user

    They said it wasn't going to be in AT LAUNCH are the operative words. I'm sure it will be implemented later on once they get a handle on it. I have faith in the Xbox as a console and as a community. Let's go Forza Motorsport!


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Translation: Series S is a piece of junk and we can't get split screen working well on it. So we had to pull the feature for everyone because Microsoft demand feature parity, expecting us to work with the garbage decision they made to build a weak machine that holds back games.


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·

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