
Kongregate Reveals Its NFT-Powered 8-Bit Metaverse

The company announced its upcoming retro-style 8-bit gaming universe called the Bitverse and revealed two out of three initial games that will be featured in it.

The browser and blockchain games firm Kongregate announced its upcoming gaming universe called the Bitverse, which is essentially a collection of Web3 video games set in a nostalgic 8-bit world.

Initially, there will be three titles available in the gaming universe: a cross-platform MMORPG Beat Heroes, a battle royale shooter Beat Heroes Arena, and a third currently unannounced project which will be unveiled later this year.

Each of the games will offer fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that users can collect and earn. Players will be able to use their avatar across all the games as an NFT, although each game will also be playable as a stand-alone title. The first set of avatars will be available for presale in Q2 2022.

Bit Heroes

This new metaverse is inspired bу Bit Heroes – the game that will be featured in it. Created in 2016, the retro stуle game quickly gained popularity among gamers having over 15 million lifetime players. The developer expects Bit Heroes to act as the foundation so that players could be able to handle anу game genre in the Bitverse.

"The long-term goal of the Bitverse is to create a metaverse of cross-platform games united by the blockchain, with an NFT 'bit hero' that players can use in every game," Kongregate's Senior Director of Product Jorge G. Ezquerra said. "With Bit Heroes' retro vibes, our intention is to create a sense of nostalgia by returning to what Kongregate does best – bringing a community of gamers and developers together to create games with each other."

In addition, Kongregate recentlу unveiled the upcoming blockchain game Blood Vessels, which will be launched in partnership with ImmutableX and will feature vampire NFTs.

You can learn more about the Bitverse here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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