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Mark Zuckerberg Confirmed that Instagram Is Adding NFTs Soon

Meta CEO shared that the NFT support is coming to Instagram "in the near term" and expressed his hope that NFT minting will be available over time.

During an interview at the South by Southwest conference on Tuesday, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that NFT support will be arriving on Instagram in the coming months. He also expressed hope that it would be possible not only to use the existing digital collectibles but also mint new ones.

"We're working on bringing NFTs to Instagram in the near term," shared Zuckerberg. However, he didn't go into details presenting the company's vision on what that would exactly look like. "I'm not ready to kind of announce exactly what that's going to be today. But over the next several months, the ability to bring some of your NFTs in, hopefully over time be able to mint things within that environment," he said.

The debut of non-fungible tokens on the Meta platforms has long been expected. Last year, the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, said that the service was "actively exploring" the possibilities of NFT, but chose not to make any announcements. In January, it was reported that Facebook and Instagram specialists were working on NFT integrations, it was also said that the company expressed hope to add NFTs into its crypto wallet Novi.

Zuckerberg also noted that NFTs could play a major role in his vision of the metaverse. "I would hope that you know, the clothing that your avatar is wearing in the metaverse, you know, can be basically minted as an NFT and you can take it between your different places", he explained.

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