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Metaverse Apps to Generate $3bn in Consumer Spending in 2022

Minecraft and Roblox will be driving numbers among other Metaverse titles.

This week mobile analytics firm App Annie shared its 2022 Mobile Forecast Report which features an opinion on the future of so-called Metaverse apps. The firm believes such apps will get over $3 billion in consumer spending.

The describes Metaverse games as titles that are both creative sandbox and avatar life simulators. For example, App Annie described Minecraft and Roblox as Metaverse apps among other titles. 

"Generally speaking, Metaverse apps are immersive environments where you can co-create your world and interact in a social manner with friends," the report notes.

The company also thinks Fortnite and other games may also join this new category. You can find the full report here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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