
MMO TERA Is Shutting Down After 10 Years

Publisher Gameforce announced that the long-running fantasy action MMO TERA will be shutting down on June 30 after over a decade in operation.

The long-running fantasy action MMO TERA will be shutting down on June 30 after over a decade in operation. Publisher Gameforce announced the news of the upcoming closure saying that developer Bluehole decided to discontinue the development of the MMO.

"After much consideration, the team in South Korea have come to the conclusion that they are no longer able to offer you the exciting and satisfying content you deserve," Gameforce said in a statement. "As the last remaining publisher of TERA, it is with a heavy heart that we must respect Bluehole’s decision, and will also have to shut down the game."

TERA was first launched on Windows PC in South Korea in January 2011, and a year later, it came to North American and European markets. In 2018, it was also ported to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The publisher reported that the game servers will be switched off at 10 a.m. CEST/4 a.m. EDT on June 30, 2022. Until that moment, the players will be able to enjoy the game and keep participating in some "permanent events". New TERA account registrations and the ability to purchase Tera Thalers as well as TERA Club purchases will be deactivated on May 31, 2022.

The publisher also noted that there will be no refunds for purchases that have already been made, but said that players have an opportunity to spend their remaining TERA Thalers until the servers are shut down. Players who have a long-term membership in TERA Club may get a partial refund if they apply to Gameforce's Payment Support team.

Gameforce thanked the TERA audience for their support and loyalty as well as "for being such an amazing community". "After nearly 10 long years, the TERA legend must sadly come to an end. Together we’ve braved so many of Arborea’s perils, fought valiantly against the argons, made many new friends and gone on countless adventures," the publisher wrote.

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