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Plask: Introducing Pose-Editing Generative AI

The Plask team has announced the upcoming release of the brand-new pose-editing generative AI. 

If you're not familiar yet with Plask, it's a web-based 3D animation editor and motion capture tool that offers a range of features that may be useful for creators. With its AI-powered capabilities and user-friendly interface, Plask provides a comprehensive toolkit to tackle 3D animation and motion capture tasks. If you are interested in exploring new software for your animation needs, Plask is worth a try. 

The Plask team announced the upcoming release of an image-generation tool with complete control. With this tool, creators can manipulate character poses within the browser while also refining them manually, and by uploading their images, gain AI assistance. These features are expected to make workflows more efficient and simplify creative processes, as per the developers. 
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Also, the Plask team builds their heavy community of skilled creators and invites talented artists and animators to join them on their mission to animate the world with the power of cutting-edge technologies. 

You may learn more about Plask on their official website, and join the waitlist to get notified and be the first to try the new tool here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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