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Steam Dev Days cancelled. Valve Goes to GDC

You won’t have to go to Seattle this year. Valve won’t be holding its massive Steam Dev Days event in

You won’t have to go to Seattle this year. Valve won’t be holding its massive Steam Dev Days event in 2015. You’ll still have a chance to meet Gabe Newell and Doug Lombardi at GDC. In fact Valve is considerably increasing its presence at the event this March.

“Steam Dev Days was a great way to brief a large number of Steam developers. This year our focus will be a bit different, so we are planning a larger than usual presence at GDC. So, there will not be a Steam Dev Days this year, but we will certainly consider doing it again in the future”, – Valve representative confirmed Steam Dev Days cancellation.

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The Steam Dev Days was a great place to present Steam Machines and Steam VR, however this year Valve has no such big launches. Instead the company tries a different approach this year and tries to get closer to developers at one of the biggest events in the industry.

Source: Gamasutra

More Information about GDC 2015.

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