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Super Haptoclone: a System That Creates 3D Clones Using Mirrors

The telepresence system can produce mutual 3D images with tactile feedback with the help of a pair of micromirror plates.

The mirror box reproduces high-resolution 3D images of the upper body of a person standing in front of it. The other person who is in front of the second mirror box sees this hi-res image of their companion, and vice versa. Plus, both parties see their own reflection as well so it becomes a somewhat magical interaction through the (not really cursed, just arranged in the right way) mirror. The most impressive thing about this cloning device is that you don't need to wear any special equipment to make it work, except for a jacket that uses two-dimensional communication technology. "A pair of micromirror arrays produces a high-fidelity light field of the other party and the clothes worn by the users provide haptic feedbacks in the interaction," the researchers explain.

The jacket that is used for haptic feedback is made from the 2-DC (two-dimensional communication) sheet, a fabric with conductive fibers on both sides of it. Two independent current passes formed on each side provide the feedback needed to form a 3D image and represent the movement accurately. 

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