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The Dark Pictures Devs Are Working on a New Standalone Title

Supermassive Games are reportedly working on a new title outside of its Dark Pictures anthology named The Quarry. The sources suggest that the game will be published by 2K by the end of the year.

The Until Dawn and The Dark Pictures' developer Supermassive Games has recently registered another trademark that reportedly might not refer to the studio's famous horror anthology. The filing which was was spotted by a Twitter user the_marmolade was made with the European Union's Intellectual Property Office on February 17, 2022, and includes a name and a logo for a new title.

The trademark is named "The Quarry" and is intended to be used across games software, entertainment services, and computer programming services. Supermassive hasn't confirmed yet that it's going to use it for a new title, however, according to VCG's sources, it's going to be the game that will be published by 2K, supposedly by the end of the year. The developer hasn't provided any details on either what the targeted platforms are or what will be the genre of the game.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes

The new filing suggests that The Quarry won't have any relation to The Dark Pictures franchise as, according to previous Supermassive filings, "The Dark Pictures" has always been stated in the official branding in a very obvious way.

Earlier this month the_marmolade also spotted five new logos and titles registered by Supermassive. The unannounced games in the Dark Pictures series include The Dark Pictures: Directive 8020, The Dark Pictures: The Craven Man, The Dark Pictures: Intercession, The Dark Pictures: Winterfold, and The Dark Pictures Presents O Death.

You can learn more about the new Supermassive Games' trademark here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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