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Tips on Convincing Animations for 3D Pixel Art Games

Learn how you can quickly tweak appealing pixel animations in a 3D game engine.

Developer t3ssel8r shared a great video on how to create convincing animations for 3D pixel games. The developer discussed how you can iterate quickly and set up appealing movements with pixel art in a 3D game engine. 

"Animating convincingly in this style is a little different from typical 3D game animations, but with some guidance and experimentation, I think I found some techniques that look promising," noted the developer. "I still have a lot to learn and improve on when it comes to character animation, but my current abilities should be enough to begin prototyping the gameplay ideas I have in mind."

The developer talked about working with references, animation passes, importing and previewing, tweaking movements, and more. Make sure to follow the developer on Twitter for more tips. 

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