The new plugin is available for installation via the Autodesk Desktop App and the Autodesk Portal.
The public beta of the new plugin for 3ds Max 2022 is officially out. As Autodesk explains, it lets the users create, edit, work in, work with and collaborate on USD data, while being able to switch across platforms when working on their projects.
The USD plugin allows the creators to import and export data using the Universal Scene Description format introduced by Pixar. Since the moment it became open-sourced in 2016, it has become a crucial part of the creation process for VFX artists and animators.
The new plugin is a separate product that needs to be downloaded and installed through the Autodesk Desktop App or the Autodesk Portal.
Check out Autodesk release notes to find more information about the USD plugin. Don't forget to join our new Telegram channel, our Discord, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.