
Vitaly Bulgarov's Talk at Gnomon

Vitaly Bulgarov discussed his professional career, shared some insights and gave some tips on design in the interview with Gnomon, School of Visual Effects, Games & Animation. 

Vitaly Bulgarov is a concept and mech designer, who is well known for his work at such projects as Diablo III, Transformers, and Starcraft franchise. 

In the 1.5-hour-long interview with Gnomon, Vitaly discussed his career path, the experience in video games and opened up about one of his most outstanding projects, surgical robotics. He also discussed his current workflow in concept art and revealed little mind tricks that help him create better design. 

Gnomon is a School of Visual Effects, Games & Animation. The school has recently received the ACCSC School of Excellence Award. The award recognizes ACCSC-accredited institutions that have proved their commitment to the expectations and showed their successful efforts in keeping high levels of achievement among the students.

Check more about the school here.

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