
You Don't Have to Swap Disks to Play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

But you'll need them to install all 150GB of nostalgia.

Image credit: Square Enix

I don't remember the last time I had to swap disks to install a game, but this is the experience Square Enix offers with Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The upcoming sequel to FF7 Remake will take up 150GB but don't worry, you won't have to switch between disks in the middle of the game.

In an interview with Game Informer, director Naoki Hamaguchi explained that 100GB are seated on one disk and 50GB on the other, but, contrary to some fans' suspicions, this was not done for the sake of nostalgia but because of PlayStation 5's architecture and the developers' grand vision for the game: it was just too big for one holder.

"Square had always envisioned Rebirth as a massive, highly detailed world more immersive than Remake’s revamped Midgar. Thus, squeezing it on a single Blu-ray would have forced the designers to scale back on content and ideas, so doubling up on discs became the obvious solution."

Thankfully (or unfortunately?), you will need to insert both disks during installation only and then you can enjoy Rebirth with only one of them in.

In the interview, the developers reminded players that they can't transfer data from FF7 Remake and confirmed that the story in this part reaches the end of the Forgotten Capital (The City of the Ancients). Once again, the game doesn't follow the order of events from the original, so don't be surprised when something doesn't align with what you remember.

If you were wondering about Vincent Valentine, he will be an accompanying character like Red XIII in Remake.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will be released on February 29 on PlayStation 5. You can already find some reviews online.

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