
Republishing policy

You may republish the texts of our articles for free on your website if you follow these guidelines.

1. You have to credit author and interviewer and include an article title and a link back to the article at the top or bottom of the republished article. You also have to credit our website by including a link back to the original. Our recommended example of the credit line is: “This article was originally published on 80 Level under Concept Art as a Life Style by Geoffrey Ernault. Interview conducted by Daria Loginova”.

2. You may not edit the text of our articles except references to time, location and editorial style.

3. You may not sell our articles in any form.

4. You may not republish any articles from our site systematically.

5. You may use share buttons on our website to repost our articles on social media. The link back to the article will be included in the repost automatically.

6. You may translate our articles into another language. In the case of translation, you have to add information about the original language. Our recommended example of the credit line is: “This article was originally published on 80 Level in English under Concept Art as a Life Style by Geoffrey Ernault. Interview conducted by Daria Loginova”.

7. You may quote authors provided you include a link back to the article and credit author and interviewer.

8. This permission to republish does not extend to the images used to illustrate our articles. You have to arrange with the copyright holder a license to use images.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by email contact@80.lv.

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