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3ds Max 2025.1 Features New Turbulent Color Noise Shader

Other key updates include workflow improvements for Array and Boolean modifiers and better control over skin weight painting.

Image Credits: 3ds Max

Autodesk 3ds Max 2025.1 is the first release since its major update back in March, primarily focusing on streamlining modeling workflows and introducing some updates for shaders and character rigging.

Turbulent Color Noise is a new OSL shader that emulates turbulence by repeatedly displacing a position slightly, as shown in the picture above. It's perfect for emulating oil spills or creating abstract rainbow effects.

This update includes new parameters for Paint Weights in the Skin Modifier to offer character artists more precise control over painting strength. In the past, using the Shift + Alt combination to paint skin weights was "oversensitive and difficult to control". With these improvements, you can define small increments in painting strength with an expanded range of mouse movements.

As for the Array Modifier, two major improvements include faster processing "up to 250%" and support of animated random number seeds to assign controllers and use with wire parameters.

The updated Boolean Modifier features several improvements for performing volume-based meshing tasks. You can now use keyboard shortcuts to control the accuracy of Voxel Size spinner arrows and abort Volume meshing. 

Image Credits: 3ds Max

The Arnold RenderView window is now dockable by default, which can be disabled in the render settings. Similar to Maya 2025.1, it enables Intel Open Image Denoise (OIDN) renderer denoising by default and has new snapshot functionality and other polishes.

3ds Max 2025.1 also includes Substance 3.0.0, which introduces a new, open-source, Substance 3D Connector for transferring data between 3D software. Learn more about it here if you've missed this news.

Image Credits: 3ds Max

Check out the full list of release notes for 3ds Max 2025.1 here and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel and follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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