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80 Level Survey: Trends in Video Games & the Game Industry

Share your thoughts and concerns on the current state of gaming and win one of twenty $50 Amazon certificates.

Over the past several years, trends in the gaming and game industries have been rapidly changing thanks to the increasing amount of newly developed technologies and other external factors. The pandemic has elevated the popularity of mobile games, new achievements in the field of cloud-based software allow millions of gamers to enjoy their favorite hobbies using older tech, and the recent development of 5G and its spread across the globe allows us to use the web at never-before-seen speeds. That's why today, we need your help to explore all the recent trends and how the game industry will evolve in the near future. 

The questionnaire takes about 5 minutes to complete. Please note that we will analyze your answers in the aggregated form. What's more, you have a chance to win one of twenty $50 Amazon certificates by completing the survey and leaving your email at the end of the questionnaire. Please note that you can only take the survey once.

Please follow this link to help us study the trends. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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