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A Guide on How to Make a Better Portfolio

Ubisoft Montréal's recruiting specialist Yara Tabbara has shared a comprehensive guide on how to make a portfolio that will make companies hire you.

If you're a job hunter who's looking for a nice role at a prominent game studio, you probably ever got into situations when you applied for various positions but weren't eventually invited for an interview. Sure, this may sound frustrating but such situations lead to an important conclusion that one of the crucial points in applying for a job in the gaming industry is creating a good portfolio.

However, it is sometimes hard to answer yourself what mistakes you made when making a portfolio, so getting advice from recruiters can be a perfect first step in improving it since it is them who review your application and decide whether you will proceed to an interview.

Recently, a recruiting specialist at Ubisoft Montréal Yara Tabbara has shared 7 useful tips on how to work on your portfolio so that a company would hire you.

According to Tabbara, one of the key things that you should understand when making a portfolio is that quality should come before quantity which is why it is better to remove your old artworks and only leave pieces that represent your current skill.

The organization is also important for recruiters. If you want to showcase various skills, it would be better if you group them into separate sections or pages, Tabbara advises.

Additional details on your works will be a plus, too. As Tabbara noted, you should "introduce your art pieces" providing a potential employer with information on things like which elements you worked on, which tools you used, and what the story behind your creation was or what your source of inspiration was.

Showing the process of how you created a certain artwork is also a great way to demonstrate your skills – this way, those who review your portfolio will see how you achieved the final result.

When making a portfolio, don't forget to keep in mind that your works represent the art style of the studio where you wish to work. However, at the same time, your works have to showcase your personal art style as well.

You can find more tips on how to make a better portfolio from Yara Tabbara here. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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