
A New Tool for Creating Traditional-Style Paintings in Blender

The tool works with Blender 3.4 Eevee and is powered by Geometry Nodes.

Blender Artist and Sculptor Alan Wyatt, known for developing multiple useful add-ons, announced the release of Blender Live Paint Filter, a brand-new tool for Blender 3.4 Eevee that will enable you to turn your models into beautiful traditional-style paintings with clearly visible paint strokes.

According to the developer, the tool is a live-feed camera filter that can be assigned to any object in your scene. Once your scene collection and camera are input into Blender's Geometry Nodes, you will see a plane appear in front of your camera that will reflect the scene you have behind it


  • This file is built for Blender 3.4 and only works in Eevee
  • When using this filter, make sure that Screen Space Reflections and Refraction are always turned on.
  • Make sure that all materials in your scene that are using transparency are using Alpha Hashed or Alpha Clip. Alpha Blend will not display your object correctly.
  • All Settings will be on the geometry nodes settings in the Modifier's Properties

You can learn more and purchase the plug-in here. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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