
A Session on iPhone Facial Capture with Unreal Engine

Ryan Mayeda showed how you can boost your workflow with the latest app.

The iPhone's True Depth camera and ARKit are powerful tools that can be used for virtual production-ready facial animation in real-time with the help of Epic Games' new iOS app, Live Link Face for Unreal Engine.

Epic Games shared a talk by Virtual Production Program Manager Ryan Mayeda on how to use the app to stream high-quality expressions to characters in Unreal Engine via Live Link. The developer also covered advanced topics for virtual production including multicast networking for Unreal Engine multi-user workflows, timecode support for synchronization, remote control with OSC, and more.

The new app, originally released a month ago, lets you stream high-quality facial animation in real-time from iPhone directly onto characters in Unreal Engine. The toolkit combines the powers of Apple’s ARKit and the iPhone’s TrueDepth front-facing camera to track a performer’s face, and then transmit this data directly to Unreal Engine via Live Link over a network. 

You can learn more about the app here

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