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Activision: A Photoreal Facial Performance Pipeline for Games

Activision has shared some research materials that focus on creating a scaleable, unified and consistent pipeline for modern character art.

Activision has shared some research materials that focus on creating a scaleable, unified and consistent pipeline for actor likeness acquisition, character art, performance capture and character animation. Don’t miss this detailed look at the motion capture mechanics from one of the AAA studios. 

In recent years the expected standard for facial animation and character performance in AAA video games has dramatically increased. The use of photogrammetric capture techniques for actor-likeness acquisition, coupled with video-based facial capture and solving methods, has improved quality across the industry. However, due to variability across project pipelines, increased per-project scope for performance capture, and a reliance on external vendors, it is often challenging to maintain visual consistency from project to project, and even from character to character within a single project. Given these factors, we identified the need for a unified, robust, and scalable pipeline for actor likeness acquisition, character art, performance capture, and character animation.



via cgpress.org

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