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Adobe Photoshop's April Release Features Updated Fonts Workflow

Navigate through the Adobe Fonts online library and improve your workflow with an updated Font browser featuring the new More tab in Photoshop 25.7, the latest stable release.

This month's Adobe Photoshop release brings updates to Fonts workflow, allowing users to easily access and use over 25.000 Adobe fonts from the online library, which are now available in the More fonts tab. 

You can hover over to preview fonts on your canvas and use additional filters for languages, classes, and tags to search for them more efficiently. All the fonts, including those from the cloud, can be found in Your fonts tab and automatically add to all your Photoshop devices to create a seamless editing experience.

Image Credits: Adobe Photoshop

Other changes include updates to the Move tool, now featuring hover layer bounds, allowing you to view an object's boundaries as you mouse over it on the canvas. While the boundary outline is displayed, the corresponding layer will be highlighted in the Layers panel.

Now, you can also save a single or multiple Actions from the Actions panel and import them by dragging the files anywhere into the Photoshop interface, unlike just the Actions panel before.

Check out the release notes for additional information here and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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