
Anastastia Opara's Procedural Wall Generator Now Has Pillars

The developer updated the generator yet again and shared a breakdown of the new feature.

Procedural Artist at Embark Studios Anastasia Opara, who has been developing a building game together with Tomasz Stachowiak and Martin Kvale since at least February, has unveiled yet another iteration of the mind-blowing Rust-powered procedural generator. This time, the developer has added the ability for the generator to create pillars if the arch in the wall is too wide to support itself. As always, Anastasia shared a comprehensive breakdown, explaining how the feature has been made:

Last time, the developer added fluffy stylized trees and flowers to the generator, turning a basic grassland biome into a cozy and beautiful forest. You can learn more about the previous update here.

Visit the author's Twitter account if you want to learn more about Anastasia's procedural projects. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 


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