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Arcware: Building THE ICON Interactive Experience In UE5

Arcware talked about THE ICON experience created in collaboration with TYDE and discussed bringing the UE5-powered configurator to the cloud. 

Arcware has recently introduced an interactive configurator for "THE ICON" (3D Streaming Link) – an exceptional all-electric yacht crafted through the collaboration between TYDE and BMW. THE ICON epitomizes the very essence of luxury, innovation, and visionary design. 

We had a chance to talk to the Arcware team about how this level of luxury was brought to life.


80.lv: Please introduce yourself. What companies have you worked for in the past? What projects have you been a part of?

Arcware: Located in Munich, Germany, we are a spin-off of the MIFCOM Group, operating independently in one of the most accelerating markets with its customers and partners. Our team consists of tech enthusiasts, veteran developers, Unreal Engine wizards, artists, and CG generalists, pushing tech and the industry to a new era.

In Arcware, we are enabling the market to migrate into Web 3.0. with access to online 3D applications in seconds, brands, agencies, and creators worldwide can leverage 3D streaming to reach new heights of experience and engagement. As a result, we are revolutionizing how you can tell stories and engage with your audiences. By combining Unreal Engine and Arcware's CloudRT technology with a deep understanding of the CGI and commerce industry, we have created a platform that enables you to create, distribute, and monetize content in a unique ecosystem.

Cloud-Streaming Technology for Unreal Engine

80.lv: Please discuss your cloud-streaming technology for Unreal Engine. How does it work? Why did you choose Unreal Engine as a base?

Arcware: In short, Arcware CloudRT is Netflix or YouTube for Unreal Engine applications. Users can make applications with Unreal Engine and upload them to CloudRT, then share the web app with anyone to experience the interactive solution online.

We intended to remove all the obstacles people face when setting up a server for Pixelstreaming. With Arcware, you don’t need to think about any technicality for a server. You can make an account and upload Unreal packages and it’s ready to share.

For the 3D streaming service, we chose the Unreal Engine because of its power, flexibility, and diversity of industrial use cases. Each day the Unreal community is growing, and people need more ways of using the power of Unreal Engine in their applications, and we are providing that. Interactive 3D streaming can be added to web pages, e-commerce platforms, inside apps, etc.

Collaboration Between Arcware and Tyde

80.lv: How and when did you start collaborating with TYDE on their project? What were the goals initially?

Arcware: TYDE is a unique company with a next-gen product. Their yacht has several new techs incorporated, it’s a full EV with an energy requirement of 80% less than similar traditional boats, and this yacht flies above the water with foiling mode! When Marc Mielau from TYDE approached us with the product details and expressed the possibility of collaboration, It got our immediate attention.

The goal of the project was to make a worthy showcase for this modern yacht and highlight its unique features. And with future updates make it a fully functional web tool for marketing and sales.

"As a tech start-up in the luxury sector, we are committed to delighting our discerning customers with ingenious products and exceptional marketing activities," says Dr. Christoph Ballin, CEO of TYDE GmbH.

Setting Up The Project 

80.lv: How did the team behind the project utilize your platform and get the needed result? How easy was it to set up the cloud experience?

Arcware: After making the project in Unreal Engine, it took only one day for the team to be up and running in the cloud. Arcware CloudRT is simple to use. Actually, that’s the whole reason for Arcware’s existence, it provides the power of the latest high-end GPUs with a really easy-to-use user portal for setting up the project in the cloud.

 "An immersive product experience like the virtual TYDE Bespoke Configurator gives us the opportunity to familiarize our clients with the uniqueness of our yachts anytime and anywhere," underlines Marc Mielau, Marketing Director of TYDE GmbH.


80.lv: What features does the final configurator have? How much time did it take to craft it?


  • The Digital environment of the configurator takes place in the bay of Cannes France.
  • In the configurator itself, you can change colors with presets or choose any colors from color wheels.
  • There are 3 different time conditions to view the yacht.
  • View modes from different angles both interior and exterior.
  • 3 different driving states of the yacht: static, displacement, and foiling above the water

We were targeting the Cannes Yachting Festival in 2023 so we had around one month to finish the project. Now we are developing the second phase which will include even more features.

Strengths of Arcware

80.lv: How else would benefit from using the Arcware platform? How would you describe your typical user? 

Arcware: With access to online 3D applications in seconds, our go-to users are brands, agencies, and creators worldwide who want to leverage 3D streaming to reach new heights of experience and engagement with their customers/clients. Currently, we have over 2,000 customers from various agencies and companies including but not limited to the automotive industry, architecture design firms, interactive AI solutions, virtual e-commerce stores, metaverse solutions, medical simulations, industrial design partners, interior and smart home solutions, etc. We support from individual creators to big brands and agencies. If you want interactive web solutions powered by Unreal Engine, we are there to support any way we can. 

The Arcware Team 

Interview conducted by Arti Burton

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