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Bloober CEO "Can't Comment" on the Silent Hill Rumors

The head of the Polish studio neither confirmed nor denied that some Silent Hill projects are in development at the studio saying that the company will announce new projects "as soon as we can". 

Shortly after rumors spread online that Bloober Team is currently working on the Silent Hill 2 remake and other Silent Hill projects, including a new mainline title and side stories, the studio's CEO Piotr Babieno commented on the news.

Speaking to IGN, Babieno neither confirmed nor denied that some Silent Hill projects are in development at the studio saying that he couldn't make any announcements now but promising to do this as soon as possible.

"We can’t comment on anything we are doing because we appreciate our relationship with our partners, of course. So we can’t [say] anything," the CEO said. "We will make an announcement about our future projects as soon as we can. So then you will know much more. Officially."

Previously, Bloober Team confirmed that it is working on two titles: one game due to be published by Konami and another title which is said to be a new IP – by Private Division. In the interview with IGN, Babieno shared that one more title is in pre-production now. However, he hasn't disclosed any details about the project.

Speaking of the company's experience working with a license holder (in 2019, it released a game based on the Blair Witch franchise), Babieno shared that his company always tries to persuade licensors to give the studio the ability to tell its own story. "If we are not able to tell our own story, if we will not have creative freedom, it doesn’t make sense, because Bloober Team will not make a great game," Babieno said.

The head of the studio also noted that Bloober Team is gradually evolving and aiming to change the kinds of games it creates taking on more complex projects. For example, something comparable in scale to Ninja Theory's Hellblade, and not too similar to its previous games, which in terms of mechanics resembled "walking simulators".

"We would like to do games which will tell our stories based on the game mechanics. So you could expect that each of our future titles will have a lot of gameplay mechanics. Those titles will be bigger", Babieno shared. "But I would say that we will still have our DNA – those games will still belong to Bloober Team’s legacy, and they will be bigger."

You can find the full interview with Piotr Babieno here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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