
Breakdown: Character Art Production Process in Unity

Sakura Rabbit has shared a 15-steps approach to producing realistic characters in the Unity Editor.

Developer and VFX Artist Sakura Rabbit, whose amazing Unity-powered visual effects and digital characters have been featured multiple times here on 80 Level, has recently shared a comprehensive breakdown via the Unity Blog, providing a complete overview of her character art production workflow in the engine.

In her breakdown, Sakura shared a 15-steps approach to producing realistic characters in the Unity Editor, exploring modeling, UV-ing, baking, and texturing stages, demonstrating the rendering setup, explaining how to add animations and set up real-time physics in the engine, showing how to add visual and audio effects, and more. According to the artist, each of these fifteen steps is crucial for the final product to achieve the desired effect. You can check out the full breakdown by clicking this link

See more of Sakura's projects here. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    While I do always love the visuals that Sakura Rabbit shares, these tips felt extremely generic to me to the point that it didn't really illuminate 'how to do' anything.

    For instance, she talks about how vital it is that bone positions are correct but without showing what correct positions are, all that advice pretty much comes down to 'do a good job, and you'll make good work'


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·

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