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Breakdown of Coca-Cola Commercial Made with Stable Diffusion Revealed

Here's the breakdown of how the Coca-Cola commercial, supposedly created with Stable Diffusion, was brought to life.

In March, Coca-Cola released a new commercial featuring the journey of a Coca-Cola bottle from one painting to the next, before reaching a student in need of refreshment.

To produce the complex transitions seen in the ad, the VFX team at Electric Theatre Collective and creative agency Blitzworks worked together using a mix of live-action footage, digital effects, and AI technologies, allegedly including Stable Diffusion, to produce the complex transitions seen in the ad.

Recently, a breakdown of the production process for this commercial has emerged on the internet, shedding light on the techniques employed.

Interestingly, the breakdown reveals that a significant portion of the work was executed using traditional methods, following established pipelines. And although specific aspects were fine-tuned by AI to boost efficiency, the human element remained integral to the overall process. 

It's worth noting that this commercial marks the first instance of mixed tools being utilized for a client of this size. However, this could potentially mean that more and more companies will adopt similar approaches in the future.

You can check out the commercial here and the breakdown here. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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