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CD Projekt RED Explained Why It Used Bright Yellow For Cyberpunk 2077

CDPR's Michał Janiszewski and Kacper Niepokólczycki revealed why the eye-catching yellow color that we now know as "Cyberpunk yellow" was chosen for the game and its marketing campaign.

The bright yellow color has definitely become the hallmark of Cyberpunk 2077. It now has strong associations with the game as, during the promotion of the game, CD Projekt RED used it in almost all marketing materials, including the main game art.

At the Polish games conference, Digital Dragons, the game's lead environment artist Michał Janiszewski revealed that the team chose this eye-catching color as this way the developers planned to achieve the effect of an easily recognizable brand. As an example, Janiszewski brought up Coca-Cola in his lecture as people can easily recognize the company's products not only by their shape and design but also by their color.

With bright yellow, CDPR wanted to achieve the same result. "We were speaking about the Coca-Cola," Janiszewski said. "The yellow colour is pretty much the same thing. It is conveying the information, it is simple to remember."

The artist also noted that another reason why yellow was chosen us that the studio wanted their game to e distinguished from other cyberpunk projects like Blade Runner and Judge Dredd. He said that most people associate cyberpunk with red or blue, but the team wanted to create something new and fresh. Therefore, they chose yellow, which is a color that almost doesn't exist in the genre. "It is new, it is like 'California style'," Janiszewski added.

Speaking to IGN, another lead environment artist Kacper Niepokólczycki shared that the developers tried to add yellow to Night City as well. The color can be found in the central areas of the city, for example, in characters' clothes lining or in the center of Night City."

"Yeah, we definitely took it over wherever we could. But it was mostly first of all to figure out I think our identity as a colour – and then we took it over and injected it wherever we could," Niepokólczycki said.

Niepokólczycki also noted that after the release of Cyberpunk 2077 some Polish companies also began to use bright yellow in their promotional materials. They noticed how attractive it turned out to be and decided to use it to promote their products.

This gave the studio the understanding that it has made the right choice. CDPR will likely continue to use this shade of yellow to promote the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 story expansion.

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