A cute journey presented by NEARstudios, founded by former developers from Bethesda, BioWare, and Naughty Dog.
NEARstudios is an indie game company founded by developers who worked on AAA titles in Bethesda, BioWare, and Naughty Dog. With the vision of creating the most immersive co-op game in the world, they announced their debut title, Hawthorn, which draws inspiration from “Victorian-era European fairy tales, fantasy adventure stories like Redwall, Lord the Rings, Mouse Guard, Secret of NIMH, and Harry Potter.”
In this adorable sandbox adventure set in a realm with anthropomorphic animals and fairy creatures, players are tasked with building and growing a village in Windermere Valley, a forgotten trading post, and making it a paradise for the village NPCs. Currently, there are three playable races to choose from in Hawthorn: mouse, otter, and owl, so you can select whichever little critter suits you best.
Daily activities in rural areas include farming, crafting, cooking, and exploring. Setting up campfires, tables, and chairs, preparing ingredients to cook a feast for friends, and enjoying some nice chat could be so therapeutic. When exploring, you will experience changing weather and seasons, as well as unique random events.
The release date of Hawthorn has yet to be announced, but we recommend adding it to your wishlist on Steam to be notified when it’s available. Also, follow the developer on Twitter or visit the official website of the game to learn more about it.
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