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Check Out This Awesome Personal Artwork in Pixel Art Style

That's not a game yet, but it might be.

Take a look at this incredible video posted by Thomas Mc.Closkey, an indie game developer who has a passion for creating pixel art.

"Working on a wee simple #Gameboy 'walk right and punch things' 'em up for sh*ts n' giggles. I call it Murder Killer," Thomas wrote.

As Thomas shared, it might be an actual game if they manage to finish it, but for now, there are not many details to share on the project.

Here are some more videos shared by Thomas.

Check out some of the tutorials on YouTube if you want to make pixel art games in the Construct 3 game engine.

We also have some interviews delving into the topic of developing pixel art games, make sure to check them out.

Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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