There has been predictions made not too long ago about the prize pool for The International Dota 2 Championships potentially hitting the $15 million mark. It looks like those predictions came true.
Last year’s prize pool was at $10.9 million. A new benchmark has been made for this year’s championship prize at over $15 million and the number still continues to grow. Valve originally put in a base number of $1.6 million for the prize and the rest of it was crowd-funded by its supporters through The International Compendium.
The International Compendium is used to keep up with the tournament, earn rewards, and level up. The higher the level, the better the exclusive in-game items are which include : character skins, couriers, and pets. The greater the Compendium funding, the more items are promised to the players of high Compendium levels. Apparently, the best way to raise a compendium level is by buying Compendium Points.
There is a base price set at $10.00 and a version pre-leveled to 50 for $26.99. You can also find “point bundles” that start at $2.49 that are valued at five levels worth of points. 25% of all the proceeds go to the overall prize pool for the championship. This means that at $15 million, there had to have been over $60 million in sales related to Compendium purchases.
The prize pool still continues to grow as players can still buy Compendium points and unlock rewards. The International Dota 2 Championships start August 3 and end August 8.