
FLIP Fluids Version 1.4.0 Released

A powerful fluid simulation add-on for Blender gets a new update.

The team behind FLIP Fluids, a powerful liquid simulation add-on that gives you the ability to create high-quality cinematic fluid effects within Blender, announced the release of FLIP Fluids 1.4.0, a new and improved version of the tool. The new version of the add-on adds support for the recently released Blender 3.2, brings tons of improvements and new features, and fixes multiple bugs.

One of the coolest new features added by the update is the new color mixer that can mix colors using RGB additive blending. If enabled, particles will absorb color attributes from nearby particles. If disabled, particles will hold a static color value that does not change.

What's more, the new version of FLIP Fluids now has Age and Color surface attribute smoothing options. These options control the amount of smoothing when transferring the Age/Color attribute to the surface mesh. Higher values result in smoother attribute transitions at the cost of simulation performance. 

You can learn more about the update here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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