
Funcom recoups Conan Exiles’ costs in a week

The company sells 320,000 units on Steam Early Access in seven days.

It appears that the latest sandbox survival game Conan Exiles by Funcom is a huge success. It took the company one week to sell 320,000 units on Steam Early Access for £26.99 each. Funcom also states that this number has already recouped development costs.

Funcom has gone through some challenging times in recent years and seeing the game we have poured so much time and effort into gain this amount of traction so quickly is very invigorating for everyone who works here.

This is just the start of the Early Access adventure and we will do whatever it takes to make sure Conan Exiles turns into a fully-fledged game that has something to offer new and old fans of both Conan and survival games.

CEO Rui Casais 

The company has also released the Conan Exiles Dev Kit allowing creators everywhere to develop mods for the game. You can easily create and upload ‘mods’ to the Conan Exiles Steam Workshop: from small changes and quality of life improvements to total conversion mods introducing new creatures, characters, and worlds. To get started you just need to download Unreal launcher to access the dev kit.

The studio has plans on revealing the future of the game at this year’s GDC in San Francisco. Audience will get a glimpse at what is coming and will get a look at new content and features. Funcom will also visit PAX East in Boston to meet the fans.

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