Godot Engine
Although the majority of engine development efforts were concentrated on Godot 4.3, some dedicated contributors devoted time to completing Godot 3.6 for the many users who are still working on games with Godot 3, fixing bugs, optimizing and increasing reliability, and providing quality-of-life improvements.
After two years of development, Godot 3.6 is finally out and fully packed with new features, including 2D physics interpolation and hierarchical culling, 3D mesh merging, level of detail, tighter shadow culling, ORM materials, and more.
Until Then
Alongside supporting existing 3.x games, Godot 3 has evolved into a stable codebase, making it ideal for development on low-end hardware. The focus remains on maintaining backward compatibility, with new features being optional and developers making every effort to avoid breaking or altering existing functionality.
Brief Godot 3.6 highlights:
- 2D physics interpolation
- 2D hierarchical culling
- Tighter shadow culling
- Discrete Level of Detail (LOD)
- Mesh merging
- ORM materials
- Light probes and directional shadows performance improvements
- Vertex cache optimization
- View selected mesh stats
- SceneTree dock's filter improvements
- Text-to-Speech support
Godot 3.6 is compatible with Godot 3.5.x projects and is a recommended upgrade for all 3.5.x users.
Guardian Sphere
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