
Great Mushroom Tool Made with Blender's Geometry Nodes

Pavel Oliva shared a fun new project. 

3D Artist Pavel Oliva demonstrated a cool new tool, made with Blender's Geometry Nodes, that lets you grow mushrooms with just one stroke.

"Toadstool tool fun. Just some R&D I've been playing with yesterday. Also notice new hair system used for moss," the artist said on Twitter.

Pavel Oliva has many awesome generators on his page, including the ones that can create ivy-covered bridges and buildings. And we can't forget about the modular desert kit and the Buildify library

Find more cool stuff on the creator's Twitter and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    Omg, i love it!
    Mushrooms are incredible, you did an awesome Job and made me want to try this imediatly! . Is this available somewhere?


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·

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