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Incredibuild: Building Hybrid Acceleration Platform for Developers

Incredibuild's Regev Yativ has told us how the working process in the company is organized, spoke about the benefits Incredibuild provides its clients with, and explained the advantages of the company's hybrid generic acceleration platform.


80.lv: Please introduce yourself to our readers. Where did you study? What companies have you worked for? What projects have you contributed to?

Regev Yativ: My name is Regev Yativ and I am Chief Revenue Officer at Incredibuild. I’ve spent more than two decades in GTM, sales, and marketing and have held leadership roles at several Fortune 500 companies and high-growth startups, predominantly in Silicon Valley. Immediately prior to joining Incredibuild, I served as CRO and COO at Agora.io, a leading real-time engagement platform where I spearheaded global expansion, culminating in a successful IPO in 2020. 

Growth is my bread and butter. As such, I am leading the international expansion of Incredibuild’s existing global GTM infrastructure and further developing relationships with new stakeholders in key markets.


80.lv: Could you tell us about Incredibuild, when was the company founded? What services do you provide? How big is the team? How is the working process in the company organized?

Regev Yativ: Incredibuild’s story is quite unique. While it operates in the startup space, the company was actually founded 20 years ago by two developers who wanted to speed up the code-compilation process for themselves and their colleagues so they could spend more time doing what they do best: developing solutions. 

This led them to create a first-of-its-kind SETI-inspired technology that harvests the compute-power of multiple CPUs on multiple computers, effectively transforming every dev machine and building node into a supercomputer with hundreds of cores, thus making code compilations very fast, can be 50% faster and at times 10 times faster depending on the use case, but in any case, any kind of acceleration of builds brings with it tremendous value in efficiency and TTM. Companies using Incredibuild build, develop, test, and go live faster than they ever imagined, allowing them to reach their creative potential, meet their deadlines without compromising on quality and better satisfy their customers. 

Incredibuild has since become a standard in R&D departments around the world, in many industries and we are continuing to grow and evolve, fast.

The team currently is comprised of 200 employees and is growing really fast.

Collaboration with Various Companies

80.lv: Please tell us about your collaboration with various companies, how do you get them on board? How do you work with them? What are the challenges here?

Regev Yativ: Incredibuild has its ear to the ground and is constantly working to solve the ever-evolving challenges developers and dev-ops teams are facing globally. In the wake of demand from our customers,  we have recently added to our platform, support for Yocto & Automotive Grade Linux (AGL), adding this to the long list of tools, compilers, and build systems we accelerate.  

Incredibuild also recently partnered with Logic Technology, one of the Netherlands’ leading resellers of embedded systems development products, allowing developers in Benelux and DACH countries to get faster iteration cycles without ever compromising on quality. 

In today’s increasingly competitive marketplace, continuous integration and swift delivery are a necessity. Companies must provide their developers with tools that enhance their productivity and time to feedback while ensuring quality. Those that do not are at a major disadvantage.

Incredibuild's Clients

80.lv: Could you please tell us about some of the biggest companies who work with you? What benefits do you provide your clients with?

Regev Yativ: We work with Epic Games, Nintendo, Microsoft, Adobe, Intel, and Citibank, to name a few of the over 2,000 companies that use our solution. We’re also trusted by top cloud providers such as AWS, which announced AWS for Games – with Incredibuild as part of their offering – earlier this year.

By exponentially accelerating build times during development and CI/CD cycles, Incredibuild saves teams time and money and helps them shorten time to revenue, providing their customers with higher quality.

Hybrid Generic Acceleration Platform

80.lv: Let's discuss your product, what solutions does Incredibuild offer? How was the Incredibuild Acceleration Platform developed? How does the company help Game Developers? What are the platform's advantages?

Regev Yativ: Incredibuild is the creator of the first hybrid generic acceleration platform for development processes. In an industry short on second chances, game developers must meet gamers’ expectations for top-notch quality at their first touch point, first download, and first game session. With Incredibuild, game developers can dramatically speed up the build and testing processes so that rather than wait around for builds to complete, they can focus on creativity and quality. This all improves game metrics such as users staying longer on the game sessions, coming back to the game more often, spending more in the games (improving ARPU), and more.  

Promoting the Platform

80.lv: How do you approach the business side of things and promote the platform? What's the current business model for Incredibuild?

Regev Yativ: Incredibuild sells directly to customers as well as via channel partners and marketing places such as AWS.   It is also compatible with other cloud vendors, such as Azure and GCP and we have a growing demand for OEM contracts. 


80.lv: How is the product monetized? What are the main challenges?

Regev Yativ: Our transparent, flexible plans allow customers to tailor the product to suit their team’s unique needs and price points.

For on-prem, Incredibuild is priced per machine and compute core. In the cloud, Incredibuild sells usage-based hour packages. The more compute cores the customer consumes, the more tasks are distributed in parallel across computing resources, resulting in enhanced performance, big savings, and clear-to-show ROI. 


80.lv: What are your future plans? How do you plan to develop and promote Incredibuild?

Regev Yativ: Working with global companies across industries has given us unique insight into where the future of DevOps in almost every industry is headed. We continue to heavily invest in supporting customers in their cloud journey. Incredibuild has created a solution that streamlines cloud-based development – making cloud adoption even easier than the on-prem experience – enabling companies to scale efficiently and effectively. We are also planning to continue to invest in our community, dev-rel, and self-serve projects that will help support the increased demand we are seeing for our service globally. 

Regev Yativ, Chief Revenue Officer at Incredibuild

Interview conducted by Theodore McKenzie

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