
NetEase Buys the Developer of Heavy Rain and Detroit Become Human

Quantic Dream will continue to operate independently, focusing on creating and publishing its video games on all platforms.

Chinese internet and online game services provider NetEase announced that it has acquired Quantic Dream, a French developer and publisher known for such games as Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, Detroit: Become Human, and the upcoming Star Wars Eclipse, announced last year and currently being developed in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games.

According to the announcement, Quantic Dream will become NetEase's first studio in Europe and will continue to operate independently, focusing on creating and publishing its video games on all platforms, as well as supporting and publishing third-party developed titles. The exact purchase price has not been disclosed.

"We are thrilled to embark on an exciting new stage of growth with Quantic Dream, bound by our shared vision, mutual trust, and respect," said William Ding, CEO and Director of NetEase. "NetEase will continue to fulfill our promise to support Quantic Dream to realize its full potential. By combining the wild creativity and exceptional narrative focus of Quantic Dream with NetEase's powerful facilities, resources, and execution capabilities, we believe there are infinite possibilities that could redefine the interactive entertainment experience we provide for players worldwide."

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