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Netflix Acquires the Developer of Oxenfree Night School Studio

Netflix's influence in the game industry continues to grow every day.

Netflix's growing presence in the game industry is not going to stop anytime soon, it seems. The streaming giant has acquired Night School Studio, the team best-known for 2016’s Oxenfree and 2019’s Afterparty. The purchase, however, will not halt the development of Oxenfree II, comments the studio. According to the statement, Night School is going to “cook up new game worlds” for Netflix's upcoming projects.

“Night School wants to stretch our narrative and design aspirations across distinctive, original games with heart,” Night School’s Co-Founder Sean Krankel said in a statement. “Netflix gives film, TV, and now game makers an unprecedented canvas to create and deliver excellent entertainment to millions of people. Our explorations in narrative gameplay and Netflix’s track record of supporting diverse storytellers was such a natural pairing. It felt like both teams came to this conclusion instinctively.”

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