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Open Brush 2.0 Released

The tool gets the Passthrough feature, support for layers and pressure-sensitive strokes, as well as better performance and more.

In case you missed it

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Icosa Foundation has released Open Brush 2.0 – a new version of the free VR painting app, the successor to Tilt Brush. The update brings a range of improvements and new features. 

The app has been upgraded to the latest version of Unity, using the new XR plugin framework. The software builds are now fully powered by OpenXR and offer a performance increase: "Highly complex sketches that previously ran at 5FPS are now hitting 50!"

Another great feature introduced to Quest is Passthrough, opening a whole new world of Mixed Reality. It allows you to see your surroundings while painting and augment your room. 

Open Brush 2.0 also has layers support. There is a new panel, which currently allows for 8 layers; you can add, delete, clear, squash them, and copy strokes to the selected layer.

In addition, the update brings two new tools: Snip and Join. You can now cut strokes in half via their control points and knit different strokes together. The developers are planning to add a suite of control point editing tools later, including push and pull points.

Another neat feature is support for pressure-sensitive strokes. It works on a number of brushes, where how much you pull the trigger will increase the thickness of your paint strokes. 

What's more, the new version introduces a camera control panel, which can change the FOV, smooth the video, add post-process effects, and remove the Open Brush watermark. 

Finally, Open Brush can now import point clouds in PLY format and video in WEBM format.

Open Brush is available for Windows, Linux and macOS as well as a range of headsets for free. Check out the list of new features here and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platformour Reddit page, and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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