
Ornatrix Video Guides: Standard Modifiers

Andrew Krivulya has a nice overview of standard modifiers in Ornatrix and a step-by-step tutorial on rendering hair in Vray using a preset.

Andrew Krivulya has a nice overview of standard modifiers in Ornatrix and a step-by-step tutorial on rendering hair in Vray using a preset. The video guides are in Russian, but you can turn on English subtitles. 

Hello! Krivulya Andrew aka Charly with you and today I present to you the first part of my Ornatrix basic course in which I overview the basics modifiers settings, as well as a quick render hair using preset and OxTexture map.

Andrew Krivulya 

The artist has already released six parts. Take a look at the last one to see the progress:

You can find all the other parts here. And don’t forget to check out his works on ArtStation

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