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Peppa Pig Game Spotted in "Powerful Women" Section on Xbox Game Pass

Cities: Skylines also made an appearance.

To celebrate Women's History Month, Xbox has added a new collection to its Game Pass section, selecting games with powerful women in them. It's a great initiative, but some titles there are... unexpected.

A Reddit user Kieblade noticed My Friend Peppa Pig on the list – probably not what anyone would think about when discussing powerful women, especially placed next to Mirror's Edge, A Plague Tale, and Mortal Kombat 11.

But Peppa is not the only surprising appearance in the category (she is, at least, a female protagonist); the collection also lists Cities: Skylines – a city-building simulator where the only characters are the townsfolk going to work and relaxing in the park. Not sure what's so powerful or womanly about it.

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