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Quixel Mixer 2022.1 Released

The update adds emissive and opacity map support and new material options.

Quixel has released Mixer 2022.1 – a new version of its all-in-one 3D texturing tool. The update adds support for emissive and opacity maps, the latter allowing you to import custom decals to the local library and mix and export assets with them. 

You can also change how different materials assigned to the model should render. The options are:

  • Opaque: Default solid rendering.
  • Cutout: Hard mask to determine if a pixel should be opaque or invisible.
  • Fade opacity: A softly masked material that can completely fade parts of the model.
  • Transparent: A reflective but see-through material.
  • Double-sided: Drawing the back side of a material the same way as the front side

Quixel also added 47 new smart materials based on wood surfaces available for free. 

Other changes include a bloom effect with intensity, radius, and threshold controls, a new 1.5x UI scaling option that works well with 27-inch 4K displays, and multiple bug fixes.

According to CG Channel, Quixel community support lead Jonathan Holmes said that “this may be one of the final updates to Mixer as it stands currently”. Despite that, “that does not mean that Mixer’s development as a concept is going away”.

“Mixer won’t be dead," Holmes had said previously. "It’ll live on in a new form. I just cannot speculate publicly on what that form will be, or what it will look like, but it should be coming back in a much stronger position.”

You can get select Smart Materials and assets from Quixel’s Megascans library in Mixer for free. The entire library is free for Unreal Engine users. 

Learn more about the new version here and don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    glad to see that Quixel is getting  little more love, it has such potential.
    i would really like to se it handle overlapping UVs a little better for future updates :)


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·

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