
Square Enix Says Final Fantasy 16 Sales Are 'Extremely Strong'

The company believes the game has sold well relative to the PlayStation 5 install base.

In a recent interview, Square Enix said the sales of Final Fantasy 16 are "extremely strong". Recently, Square Enix announced that the latest entry in the Final Fantasy XVI series passed 3 million copies sold, which sparked a debate online about whether it had met the company's expectations.

Then, the debate was boosted by a Bloomberg article that reported sales of the game in Japan had dropped dramatically in the second week after launch and that initial sales had "lagged" behind previous games in the series.

Square Enix decided to address the rumors and share their take on the situation.

"With 38 million PS5 consoles shipped globally (as of March 31, 2023), sales of Final Fantasy 16 surpassed three million units worldwide several days after its release on June 22, 2023," Square Enix said. "Taking into consideration the sales figures of the acclaimed Final Fantasy 7 Remake and the difference in the size of the install base of the PlayStation 4 at the time of this title’s release, we can see that the attach rate of Final Fantasy 16 is considerably high, given the PS5 install base."

The company went on to say they think the initial sales results of Final Fantasy 16 are "extremely strong". What is more, they plan "to carry out a wide range of initiatives to encourage even more people to play the game."

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