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Tekken Producer Thinks Younger Players Prefer Team Games Because They Can Blame Others for Losing

One-on-one fighting could change in the future. 

Image credit: Bandai Namco Studios | Tekken 8

If you play multiplayer shooters, I'm sure you've encountered some angry people there blaming everyone but themselves for losses. Well, that's why they love such games, according to Tekken's producer Katsuhiro Harada.

During the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences' Game Maker’s Notebook podcast, he was asked how one-on-one fighting games can change in the future. He replied that they will offer more team-based competition because this is what's popular among younger players.

He added that nowadays players don't want to take responsibility for failure so they choose team games to blame their teammates if they lose, which was not the case for Harada's generation, which prefers "definitive outcomes."

"Most young people nowadays are the opposite. They’re rarely eager to engage in one-on-one showdowns. Plus, because figthing games pit you by yourself against a single opponent, you have to accept all the responsibility if you lose. You can’t blame anyone else," he said (via VGC).

"In team-based shooters, when players win, they can say that they won because of their own contributions, but when they lose, it’s because they got matched with a lousy team."

Harada has been thinking about incorporating this aspect into fighting games to attract more audiences. And although "we should suddenly turn a fighting game into a puzzle game, or a real-time strategy game," there is still a demand for "this sort of hand-to-hand fighting."

"But maybe we could include other ways of competing, outside of the main game. For example, maybe they don’t always have to fight one-on-one. They could opt for team battles, such as 3-on-3 matches."

So maybe Tekken 9 will be slightly different from its predecessors, with "more varied modes based on things like teams or regions."

In other news, Tekken 8 has recently announced the Fight Pass, adding another way for players to spend money. Harada also explained why microtransactions will exist in the game.

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