
Unreal Engine 5's Modeling Mode Takes Shape

UE5 will bring a completely redesigned Modeling Mode to enable efficient developer workflows.

The Unreal Engine team has released an extensive overview of UE5’s modeling tools. The modeling mode of Unreal Engine's latest version is a direct update of modeling tools first introduced in Unreal Engine 4.24 that continues to grow in depth and functionality. According to the team, the overhauled modeling mode is another step in creating the tools required to create the next generation of interactive experiences that technology like Nanite and Lumen offer.

The overview itself explains the ins and outs of the modeling capabilities of Unreal's modeling mode. The team explained its core concepts, including polygroups, mesh operations and attributes, UV tools, and more.

"The modeling mode is a growing set of tools focused on creating a more efficient workflow and empowering artists in all industries to create the most compelling and interactive experiences imaginable," comments the team. "That might be when you are developing a complex environment of rocks and hillsides, like the ones featured in our Valley of the Ancient project, or maybe creating a new automotive configurator."

You can read the entire overview by clicking this link. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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