
WebGL 2.0 is Now Supported in All Major Browsers

From Firefox to Safari: all major browsers can now render graphics.


The Khronos Group announced that WebGL 2.0, which renders interactive 2D and 3D graphics without using plug-ins, is now supported in all major browsers. Initially, it was shipped in Firefox and Chrome, but now it's also available in Safari and Microsoft Edge.

WebGL 2.0 brought the OpenGL ES 3.0 feature set, adding access to transform feedback, instanced rendering, multiple render targets, uniform buffer objects, occlusion queries, and wider texture support to the original WebGL 1.0 graphics pipeline.

Khronos also reports that Apple and Google engineering teams are working together to adopt ANGLE into WebKit to create a common codebase for development and switch Chrome to use ANGLE’s Metal backend.

Khronos is also working with W3C, which is developing WebGPU API that will introduce to web browsers the modern computer graphics capabilities provided by Direct3D 12, Metal, and Vulkan.

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WebGL continues to be developed as well. Khronos recently announced compressed texture format availability across all browsers and a new multi-draw extension that can improve performance through geometry batching. The company also provided access to OES_draw_buffers_indexed functionality to enable order-independent transparency techniques. Now, Khronos is working on expanded conformance testing.

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