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You Can Animate Images in One Stroke with Runway's Gen-2

The company presented Motion Brush.

Runway has presented an awesome new feature that will soon come to Gen-2, its multimodal AI system that can generate videos using text, images, and video clips. The feature is called Motion Brush and it allows you to easily animate images by coloring the part you want to have moving. 

Runway says it's "a new way to add controlled movement to your generations," and it looks absolutely fantastic. 

There are already some experiments online from those with access, as you can see, but those without it will get the feature "soon," according to Runway's X/Twitter.

Gen-2 was released in June, letting users synthesize new videos, either by applying the composition and style of an image or text prompt to the structure of a source video or by using text prompts only. It came with three modes: Text to Video, Text + Image to Video, and Image to Video.

The new Motion Brush allows you to control animations more precisely than, for example, Pika Labs' tool – a great one as well, as it can animate your image based on a text prompt. 

You can try out Runway's Gen-2 for free, but the system is operated with credits, which you can't buy with a free plan. Standard subscriptions cost $15/month and offer 625 credits as well as the ability to purchase more.

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