Kano Magpuri 

is a 

Technical Game Designer

from Orlando, United States


Environment Art
Game Economy
Gameplay & Level Design
Gameplay Programming




Beneath the Badlands

Level Design Leadership
+ Scrum Master for Procedural Level Sprints
+ Designed Amalgamation, Vulture, and Sage Boss Arenas
+ Designed Tutorial Level
+ Designed and Oversaw Production of Procedural Levels
+ Populated Levels with Loot, Hazards, and Enemy Encounters

Game Design Document 
+ Player Weapons
+ Player Mechanics
+ Game Flow Summary
+ Game Progression
+ Game Options
+ Character Design


Weapon and Ability Development
+ Scrum Master for Weapons/Gadgets/Character Sprint
+ Designed and Implemented Weapons
+ Designed and Implemented Gadgets & Body Mods


 Technical and Design Support
+ Programmed Level Hazards and Interactables
+ Designed and Implemented UI Elements
+ Implemented gamepad support for all menus


Resource Economy
+ Designed Key Resources of Blood and Money
+ Designed Blood Pump and Sprinkler Buildings in line with core Aesthetic
+ Balanced Resource Availability for ideal Game Flow/Progression


Grid-Based Construction System
+ Quick Access Radial Menu
+ Immersive Preview Communicating Relevant Statistics
+ Building Selection, Purchase, and Placement
+ Building Upgrades via Replacement
+ Resource Economy Integration via Cost and Upkeep


Modular Development Frameworks
+ Enemy and Building creation via Data Tables for expansion and balancing
+ Editable Statistics like Health, Cost, Attack Power, and Range


Enemy AI
+ Capable of grid traversal
+ Obstacles and Target Recognition with proper responses
+ Tied Enemies to Resource Economy via Blood Resource spilled on death 


Cell-based Wave System
+ Designed for curation of unique encounters and wave compositions
+ Incorporates directional and quantitative inputs for balancing


Design Lead
+ Designed Core Game Loop
+ Designed the Library Level and Layout
+ Created Procedural Library Population System
    - Books Organized By Genre and Category
    - Expandable Title List via .csv File Import
+ Created Book Delivery + Challenge System
    - Order Distribution and Status Tracking
    - Optional Challenges and Score Tracking
    - Expandable Challenge List via .csv File Import
+ Perforce Project Management
+ Primary Scrummaster
+ Directing and Editing of Final Trailer

Jail Break!

Three Hour Game Jam:

First Hour
+ Created Unreal Project and Associated Folder Structure
+ Created Character Sprites and Animations
+ Created Environmental Sprites
+ Setup Level


Second Hour
+ Created Procedural Hall Base Class
+ Implemented Character Animations
+ Created Additional Sprites


Third Hour
+ Created Guard Sprite
+ Implemented Hazard Base Class
+ Created Procedural Hall Variations
+ Implemented Death System


Fourth Hour +
+ Added Main Menu and Restart Systems
+ Implemented Audio and Music
+ Created UI Sprites
+ Implemented HUD
+ Packaged and Published Game

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