Timofii Stadnichuk
is a3D Animator
from Kyiv, Ukraine
Teaser combo animation| Alive!
After a long journey (if I hadn't been lazy, it would have been faster) I completed the course. I really started to get into animation. And yes, animating a humanoid is really cool.
In the future, I plan to start studying Maya.
Original by Pierrick Picaut | Alive! Animation course in Blender
Trident Combo Animation | Alive!
Finally I did it. It was difficult and I'm not happy with the fact that I had to repeat after the teacher very often. But I think. that I need to do own animation. I need to consolidate knowledge and it will be easier
Original by Pierrick Picaut | Alive! Animation course in Blender
Trident Animation Walk| Alive!
So I finally made a walk animation. It turned out not bad, although there are some problems. But I hope that with experience I will be able to do really cool work =)
Original by Pierrick Picaut | Alive! Animation course in Blender
Trident Animation Run | Alive!
As expected, animating humanoids is easier and more interesting
I really liked animating a human. I hope that the future will only be more interesting =)
Original by Pierrick Picaut | Alive! Animation course in Blender
Robot Animation | Alive!
All the same, I continue to make animations in blender. Robots with a similar type of movement are probably the most boring thing to animate. Next will be a humanoid, and this is already very interesting. The first animation of the humanoids I make was very interesting, so I will start working as soon as possible =)
Original by Pierrick Picaut | Alive! Animation course in Blender
Squirrel Animation | Alive!
I continue to study animation. This is quite interesting.
Animating animals is a little more difficult than humanoids, but no less exciting
Original by Pierrick Picaut | Alive! Animation course in Blender
Abi & Tabi Animation
Tried myself in 3D animation 7 months ago. To begin with, it turned out very well.
Original by Bloop Animation, Dillon Gu "Blender Animation Course"