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A 1Hz CPU Made in Minecraft

Check out this cool redstone contraption that can run Tetris, Snake, Connect Four, and render graphs.

A Minecraft enthusiast known as Sammyuri has managed to create a working CPU in Minecraft using only redstone. According to the video that showcases the CPU's capabilities, the author has spent 7 months building this enormous machine. The creator has named the CPU Computational Humongous Unconventional Number and Graphics Unit by Sammyuri, or CHUNGUS 2 for short.

In order to achieve a 10 tick clock speed despite its enormous size, the CPU makes use of techniques such as an instruction pipeline, automatic data cache, and simple branch prediction.

And here are the CPU's specs:

  • 8-bit data, 16-bit fixed size instruction length
  • 1Hz clock speed, 4 stage instruction pipeline (fetch - decode - execute - writeback)
  • 64 byte automatic 8-way associative data cache and 256 bytes RAM
  • Up to 256 addressable I/O ports
  • 7 general-purpose registers
  • Over 40 ALU functions, including a hardware barrel shifter, multiplier, divider, and square rooter
  • 32x128 byte program pages for a total of 4KiB program storage

CHUNGUS 2 is capable of running Tetris, Snake, Connect Four, Breakout, Conway's Game of Life, can render mathematical graphs, and more! Please note, however, that all programs shown were sped up by a factor of between a hundred and a few thousand times in order to make them actually playable and watchable in real-time. "While 1Hz is definitely fast for a redstone processor, it's nowhere near as fast as the video may make it out to be," comments Sammyuri.

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